
My publications reflect past and present research interest, spanning from nineteenth-century Italian opera to twentieth-century vocality. My current artistic research features in publications and performances outside the traditional written media. My current work ranges from twentieth-century vocality and monodrama to the world of Cathy Berberian, and explores possible approaches to informed practice.


2014 Karantonis, Pamela, Francesca Placanica, Anna Sivuoja, Peter Verstraete (eds.) Cathy Berberian: Pioneer of Contemporary Vocality. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014 (ISBN 978-1-4094-6983-4).

Caty Berberian

Book Chapters:

“Constructing Cathy: Intertextuality and Intersubjectivity in Luciano Berio’s Recital I (for Cathy)”; In Intertextuality in Music since 1900, Celestini, federico and Paulo de Castro, eds. FORTHCOMING

“Embodied Commitments: Solo Performance and the Making of Avant-garde Music Theatre”, in New Music Theatre in Europe 1955-75, Adlington, Robert, and Gianmario Borio, eds. Musical Cultures of the Twentieth Century, Routledge, FORTHCOMING

2015; “‘Unwrapping the Voice’: Cathy Berberian’s and John Cage’s Aria (1958). In Transformations of Musical Modernism. Ed by Erling Guldbrandsen and Julian Johnson. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, pp.


2014 “Cathy Berberian’s Legacy: La nuova vocalità nell’opera contemporanea (1966)”. In Cathy Berberian: Pioneer of Contemporary Vocality. Ed. by Pamela Karantonis, Francesca Placanica Anna Sivuoja, Peter Verstraete. Farnham: Ashgate, 2014.

La Voix Humaine (1959-2016) and The ‘Epiphany’ of the Performer’s Identity”, in Music and Visual Cultures, Cascelli, Antonio, Denis Condon, Sarah Hibberd UNDER CONSIDERATION.

Journal Articles and Research Reports:

Recital I (for Cathy): A Drama ‘through’ the voice’, Twentieth-Century Music, Volume 15, Issue 3 October 2018: 359-397

‘The Unsung One: The Performer’s Voice in Twentieth-Century Musical Monodrama’, The Journal of Musicological Research, 19 April 2018

2015; ‘Female Epiphanies in Twentieth-and-Twenty-First Century Musical Monodrama’. Music + Practice, 2, Oct. 2015. [/825]

Study for lights and sceneries, courtesy of Velìn Edrov.

2012; ‘Mercadante in Paris (1835-36): The Critical View’. Revue Belge de Musicologie, Special Issue on Conference Proceedings of the Francophone Music Criticism Colloquium, Brussels (Université Libre, 16-18 December 2010) (66) 2012: 151-66.



2013; 21 biographical entries; Cambridge Verdi Encyclopedia, ed. by Roberta Montemorra Marvin. Cambridge University Press.

2004; Contribution to: Tesori musicali, Catalogue of the Discographic Archive of Centro Jazz Calabria. Cosenza: Centro Jazz Calabria, 2004.

2001; ‘Caulonia: Salve Regina, Canto ad organo’, in Organi e Organisti in Calabria Rossano (CS): Associazione Musicale “Il Cerchio,” 2001.


2011; Book Review of D’une scène à l’autre: L’opéra italien en Europe. Ed. by Damien Colas, and Alessandro Di Profio. Vol. 1: Les Pérégrinations d’un genre and Vol. 2: La Musique à l’épreuve du théâtre. pp. 532. (Wavre: Mardaga, 2009), Music & Letters 92 (4): 643–646.

UNDER CONSIDERATION Dossier de Presse, ‘Mercadante, I briganti (1836)’. Francophone Music Criticism Online Database, ed. by Mark Everist and Katharine Ellis.

Programme Notes:

2008-2009 Concert Series, Spring of Harmony, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Dallas TX.

2006-2008 Meadows Symphony Orchestra Season, Meadows School of Arts, SMU, Dallas TX

Unpublished Written Work:

PhD in Musicology University of Southampton, 2013
Thesis: Saverio Mercadante and France (1823-1836). AHRC funded Project Franco-Italian Cultural Transfers in 19th Century Opera and Songs 1800-1850 (FICTOS).
Supervisors: Prof Mark Everist, Prof. Francesco Izzo

MA in Music History and Literature /Voice, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, 2007.
Thesis: Cathy Berberian: Performance as Composition.
Supervisors: Dr. Donna Mayer-Martin, Dr. David Mancini.

M.Mus. in Voice Performance, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2005.
Recital Topics: “Italian Vocal Music from the Seventeenth to the Nineteenth Century;” “Italian Monody from Sigismondo d’India to Handel.”
Tutor: Dr. Richard Wistreich.

Laurea (cum Laude) in Disciplines of the Arts, Music, and Performing Arts, Major in Music, University of Calabria, Italy,2003.
Thesis: Il fantasma del madrigale. Trascrizione e studio della “Partitura de Madrigali a cinque voci de Giovanni Maria Bononcini (1678)”
Supervisor: Prof. Massimo Privitera; Advisor: Dr. Egidio Pozzi.